Sunday, December 19, 2010

How to Repair a Cracked Nail @ Home

I've been battling a horrible sickness for the past 23 years called 'nail picking'. This past year I was finally able to quit the nasty habit cold turkey and haven't looked back since. However, nails will still crack and break, unfortunately, and if I don't mend it right away, I will pick and I will peel until I have no nail left, and I'm back at square one. I will give you a simple, yet detailed and correct, tutorial on how to mend your nails.

Nail Adhesive (I like the brush on kind)
Buffer Block
Emery Board
Activator (optional; you can get this @ SALLY'S for $6)
Antiseptic (like Hydrogen Peroxide)

my cracked nail, and ugly cuticles.

STEP 1: Clean your nail(s). If you need to remove polish, do so at this point. However, it is extremely important to wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly afterwards and then with antiseptic for 2 reasons: 1) the glue will not stick if there are traces of acetone on the nail plate and 2) if you are using the activator, it will IGNITE!!!

Step 2: Buffing

STEP 2:  Buff the nail plate to remove any natural shine. Pay attention to the area that is cracked or split, be careful in this area but make sure it has a matte finish and is pretty smooth. Apply antiseptic and dry to remove dust.

Step 3: Apply glue

 STEP 3: Apply glue ONLY to the area to repair.
*OPTIONAL* Apply activator 6-8" away.

STEP 4: Buff the area where you have just applied the glue, making sure it is level with the rest of the nail and smooth. Clean with antiseptic and dry to remove dust.

*REPEAT STEPS 3 & 4 as needed*

smooth edges and moisturized cuticles!

STEP 5: Smooth your free edge with an emery board if the crack was in that area like mine. Apply cuticle conditioner, and ta-da!

A happy nail :)

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